Steamed Spotted Dick

On a chilly Sunday evening, or any day for that matter, what is better than a steamed old fashioned pudding? This is a delightfully simple recipe, filled with inexpensive ingredients that you’ll find within most bakers cupboards! You will also be able to find my recipes on BBCGoodFood from late June 2020.


250g Plain Flour

1tsp Baking powder

100g Sultanas

80g currents

Grated Zest of 1 orange

125g shredded suet

80g caster sugar

150ml milk (any milk will do, i have been using long life during quarantine)


In a large mixing bowl put all the ingredients apart from the milk and mix together.

Add your milk and bring it together to form a soft dough.

Grease a pudding basin generously with butter.

Put the dough in the pudding basin, it should leave about an inch at the top of the dish.

Now make a foil cover, grease the foil lightly, and make a fold in the middle. This will allow the foil to expand if needed as the dough cooks and swells.

Tie some string around the foil, and create a handle. this means you can lift the pudding out of the steam without burning yourself.

Place a saucer or ramekin at the bottom of a deep saucepan, this will prevent any direct heat getting to the pudding and burning it. Place the pudding on top. Fill the saucepan with water halfway up the pudding basin.

Pop a lid on, and steam for 90 minutes.

When you remove the foil, it will be golden and cooked. If not steam for a little longer.

Let it sit for 10 minutes before turning out. You can run a knife around the edge if you think it may have stuck.

Serve with fresh custard. Now enjoy, preferably in pyjamas, on the sofa with a dog near by for cuddles!


White Chocolate and Cardamom Fudge